Beyond Dieting


Partnering with your brain and body to let go of emotional eating for good.

How to master your cravings brain power

If you've ever tried to lose weight by sheer willpower, you know it eventually blows up.  

Clenching your fists, gritting your teeth and diversionary tactics (like having no food in your house) won’t work and change can only happen when you know what's going on.

You see,...

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Freedom from emotional're right on track brain power

Have you ever felt like you've hit a dead end in your weight loss journey? Despite trying everything, it seems like nothing works. But what if I told you there's a different path—one that leads to lasting peace and freedom around food?

Emotional eating and carrying extra weight are signals...

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The Power of Your Mind for peace and freedom around food body work brain power

I'm excited to share my unique body- brain approach.

Together, we harness the amazing potential of your mind to uncover and address the root cause of emotional eating.

No more relying on restrictive diets or pills that only provide temporary relief.

We're focused on achieving lasting, holistic...

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